We are so excited to have Celia Benvenutti kick off our series this Wednesday with a Dunham class open to ALL
Celia Benvenutti, an Afro-Latina dance artist, healer, native to Detroit and Howard University alum, has been studying dance for the past 25 years under the tutelage of madame Penny Godboldo, certified instructor and master guide. Celia’s background includes heavy training in the Dunham technique, classical ballet, modern dance forms,jazz, traditional African and Caribbean dances. As a current candidate for certification in the Katherine Dunham technique, she has been in attendance to the international Katherine dunham seminar and certification workshop/lab for the past 20 years.She has studied with the legendary Katherine Dunham, Venoy Aikens, Walter Nicks, Ruby Streate, Theo Jamison,Rachel Tavernier, Keith Williams, and Haitian Master Louinis Louines. She has taught in Detroit, Washington, D.C. and New York , NY.
Photo Credit: Tre Marcel